In the old days a singer would hide out in the woodshed to learn his notes. Now we have tools like midi to help us along. I hope for this page to be a collection of midi files and tools to help singers learn their notes so that they can be ready to turn it into music when they go to rehearsal.
Last updated 12/2012
Unless otherwise noted, the files were sequenced by George Silvis and have only the choral parts (ie, no accompaniment) and are constant velocity (ie, no dynamics). All MIDI files in this collection are provided for personal use only. It is not my intention to violate any copyrights by offering this service for singers and I believe that these midi files fall under the "fair use" doctrine for copyright material. If you find any MIDI files in my collection that must not be distributed, please inform me and I'll see that the file is removed. Music companies should note that these MIDI files do not replace professional recordings and are of no use unless the singer has a purchased score in front of them.
There are resources on the internet where you can find choral scores.
Start your search for some of this great music at the
site. Another great source is .
There are many programs out there that will play these files with the control that a singer needs: track pan, track volume and tempo control. Some that I can recommend:
Here are some other collections to peruse:
If you these files are of use, please send me a message so I'll know it was worth while to post them. Also email about any errors you find in the files. I'd like to make them as good as possible. Thanks.
Other places of interest to the midi musician:
Also, I have a collection of midi tools that you might try: DOS tools and Mac tools
Take a look at our list of contributors , and other people with whom you can correspond and who are interested in choral music and midi.