Woodshed Contributors
These are the contributors or people otherwise interested in
exchanging files and email dealing with choral music. If you
liked the files they have submitted, send them a note!
- Renjie Abraham: rabraham@bigfoot.com
- Ricci Adams: ricci@ctitech.com
- Mandy Alford: mandy@alfx.com
- Jorge Alvarado: jorgediego@prodigy.net.mx
- Tom Aufrance: tja@highsierra.com
- Marcel Aumont: maumont@sympatico.ca
- Robert Austin: Raaustin@aol.com check out
Robert Austin's Music Page
- Andy Averill: andya@fairfield.com
- Anna & Luca: They are musicologists and have a page dedicated to unpublished
operatic works that you should take a look at
Anna & Luca's Music Home Page
- Mary Badarak: marybadarak@mail.clayton.edu Visit her music education
- Rosario Bassi: rosario.bassi@tin.it Rosario sings with
Coro Polifonico Jubilate
- Timo Baucken: timobck@energy.it
- Alain Baylac: alain.baylac@wanadoo.fr
- Christian Baur: christian.baur-nardin@span.ch
- Maarten de Bekker: dresser@tref.nl
- Trystan Bennett: Trystan_Bennett@FirstClass.choate.edu
- Evelyne Besse-Ertan: besse@escortnet.com
- François Bessac: Francois.Bessac@wanadoo.fr
- Chuck Biewer: cbiewer@mintcity.com
- Koby Biller: biller@attglobal.net A member of the NOAM choir, Israel
- Roberto A. Bittencourt: robert@e-net.com.br
- Steve Blakemore: Steve.Blakemore@ic24.net
- Anne Borlon: anne.borlon@skynet.be
Sings with "L'ensemble vocal LA CHAWRESSE à Beaufays" in Belgium.
- Alexei Y Bregadze: alexei@pelc60a.phys.msu.su President of the Academic Choir of the Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Email Alexei for Finale versions of these pieces.
- Dave Bryant: d.bryant@kingston.ac.uk Dave has a collection of score files
(Personal Composer format) he is willing to share or swap. Do email him!
- Jean-François Burlot jf-burlot@wanadoo.fr
- John Cain: jcain@charm.net John is a member of
The Baltimore Choral Arts Society
- Anna Elena Maria Cantatori: caccioni@tin.it
- Pol Marie Challou: challou@tp-physique.univ-nantes.fr
- Vernon Chang: vernc@singnet.com.sg
- Ted Clark: TheoAtHome@aol.com
- Daniel Collins: decmusic@hotmail.com
- Leonard Cottrell: leonard@planck.com
- David Coronel: davidc@datstore.demon.co.uk
- Cliff Crouch: cliff@flex.net
- Richard Crowley: rcrowley@xprt.net
- Rod Cuff: 100437.773@compuserve.com and at the
Guildford Philharmonic Choir
- Dan Drew: dandrew@inetdirect.net
a member of The Indianapolis Symphonic Choir
- Anne Dubrofsky: du161@freenet.carleton.ca
- Bob Eaton: eatonrp@ma.ultranet.com
- Bob Eggers: reggers@bitstream.com
- Anthony Ellsmore: ellsmore@localnet.com.au
- Hal Erwin: halape@aol.com
- Gilles Esteve: esteve@club-internet.fr
- Chris Evans: leigh@iana.airtime.co.uk
- Constantin Fargialla: CFARGIALLA@fattal.com.lb
- Jeffrey Faux: JJFaux@aol.com
- Paolo Fiorucci: pafio@technet.it
- John Henry Fowler: jfowler@villanova.edu
- Colin Timothy Gagnon: ggagnon@inxpress.net
- Antônio Gastão: gabigast@compuland.com.br : Conductor - Choir of the Catholic University of Petrópolis - Brazil
- Riccardo Giordano: fuori_tempo@yahoo.it Sings tenor with the
Gruppo Madrigalistico FUORI TEMPO in Sanremo, Italy
- William Gould: william@harmony.demon.co.uk
- Jurriaan Grootes: j.grootes@hetnet.nl
- Marco Gusy: marcoguz@tin.it
- Jim Hall: wjhall@netway.com
- Walter Hansch: Walter.Hansch@t-online.de : Walter is the conductor for
Das Vokalensemble Cantaloupes
- Karl Harper: kharper@Talk21.com
- Tony Harpur: aharpur@indigo.ie Also a member of the
Dun Laoghaire Choral Society
- Ash Harrison: ash@netmcr.com
- Ian Haslam: ian.haslam@ntlworld.com
- John Hewes: JHewes742@aol.com
- Robert Hewitt: robert.hewitt@btinternet.com Also a member of the
Ashtead Choral Society
- Dennis Holloway: d.g.h@btinternet.com
- Donna Huffman: donnahuffman@fnmail.com
- Ian Hulin: ian_hulin@hulin.compulink.co.uk
- Justin Isbell: midimakr@geocities.com Check his out his
midi page
- Jack Jarrett: jjarrett@it.berklee.edu
- Adam Jarczyk: jarczyk@zeus.polsl.gliwice.pl
Visit his
COMPLETORIUM a collection of early Polish music.
- Terrance Johns: OrpheusVQ@aol.com
- Robin Johnson: rjohnson@acs.bu.edu
- Philip Jones: mcchorus@libertynet.org Philip is also the Web Maestro for the
Mendelssohn Club of Philadelphia. Do visit!
- Charles Kelly: ckelly@aitech.ac.jp Has a MAJOR listing of
Standard MIDI Files on the Net
- Ger Kaland: seroos@zeelandnet.nl
- Fred Keultjes: keultjes@worldonline.nl
- Karen Klahr: karen.klahr@houlton.com
- Keith Konradi: kekonradi@stlnet.com
- Martin te Laak: Overbacher.Singschule@t-online.de
- David Nahum Lanza Tirado: dnahum@telcel.net.ve
- Martin te Laak: Overbacher.Singschule@t-online.de
- Bruno Langlois: blangloi@club-internet.fr See also his choir's site:
Choeur du Balory
- Zsidai Laszlo, Hungary: zsl@dtalk.elte.hu
- Patrick Lalonde: gaglal@microtec.net
- Roger Lee
- Phil Lehman: plehman@iquest.net
a member of The Indianapolis Symphonic Choir
- Christophe Le Gall: clegall02@infonie.fr , webmaster of
Société Franz-Schubert
- Robert Lewis: lewis@morgan.ucs.mun.ca
- Dave Lockett: DLockett@aol.com
- Paul Loeb van Zuilenburg: loeb@yebo.co.za
- Scott Lounsbury: s_lunsbury@conknet.com
- Walter Marini: walterma@box1.tin.it
- Doug Martin: m_information_engineering@compuserve.com
- Julien Martin: moggio@cuci.nl
- Hugh McBryan: mcbryan@dial.pipex.com
- Brody McDonald: brodymcd@main-net.com
- Jim McGarrick: jim.mcgarrick@kcl.ac.uk
- Bill McGee: bmcgee@synapse.net
- Shawn McQuillen: shawnmcq@badger.tds.net
- Giovanni De Merulis: demeruli@iss.it
- Bob Nicholls: bob.nicholls@dial.pipex.com
- Karen Myers: kmyers@kinderhook.com Author of the choral song book "Harmonious Companions"
- Steve Monett: steve.monett@cho.ge.com smonett@adelphia.net
- Fenando Monjeau: fmonjeau@sudnet.com.ar Choral director to Acrapacion Coral Ranelagh of Buenos Aires
Die Haghe Sanghers
- Genaro Montero: genamontero@hotmail.com
- Vincent Mooij: vmooij@worldaccess.nl
- Peter Møller: pm@bergsoe.k-net.dk
- Eric Natanael: ern@audiophile.com
- Rafael Ornes: ornes@cpdl.org Manger of the
Choral Public Domain Library
- Greg Pankow: belcanto@metro.net tenor with the Santa Rosa Junior College Chamber Singers and Concert Choir
- Matias Pedraza: matias@decanato.de.fcen.uba.ar
- Constantine Peters: deanandkaren@erols.com
Come visit his home page
- Michael Petri: petrim@faatcrl.faa.gov
- Jean-Marc Piel: jmpiel@nt.com
- Jaume Prat: jaumeprat@yahoo.com
- Arne Puschnerus: Puschnerus@aol.com
- José Jorge Alvarado Puente: jorgediego@prodigy.net.mx
- Faren Raborn: raborn@dtx.net Come visit his page:
The Classical MIDI Connection
- Vince Rahn: vrahn@hotmail.com
- Chris Rathbun: ChrisR994@aol.com
a member of The Indianapolis Symphonic Choir
- Bruno Rebuffet: Bruno.Rebuffet@freesbee.fr
- Alf Reider: Alf_Reider@pec.co.nz
- Henk en Gertie Reijntjes: reijntjes@hetnet.nl
- Reinhard Reim: RC.Reim@t-online.de
- Uwe Riedel: vocalitas@t-online.de Come visit the
Vocalitas home page too!
- Terry Robinson: terry@numberworks.com
- David Roduner: roduner@akron.infi.net Come visit
Sir Launcelot's archive of Nifty Midis
- Terry Sanford: tsanford@mail.vol.com
- Jay Samples: jwsampl@popi.net Also see a collection of his own works. He's been busy!
The Music of Jay W. Samples
- Gregg Sheer: Come visit his homepage
The Greg Scheer Memorial Music Archives
- Paul Sicard: 101325.2106@compuserve.com
- Chris Silver: chris@ephor.demon.co.uk
Deeside CHoristers
- David Siu: dss@po.cwru.edu Visit his Classical Midi Files page for other great files.
- D W Solomons: come visit his sing-along page
- Paul Soper: soper@delanet.com
- Michael J Starke: mjstarke@ix.netcom.com
Come visit a collection of his works at
The Michael J. Starke Page
- Carl Stenger: carliv@geocities.com
- Eric van Straaten: E.van.Straaten@HRO.NL
- Brian Swann: n1bs@usa.net who is also a member of
Rhode Island Civic Chorale & Orchestra
- Don Taylor: dontaylor@tcp.co.uk
- Jesse Taylor: artemis@ici.net
- Chris Tedesco: jimted@erinet.com
- Abel Teo: abel@artcards.com.sg Music Director/Conductor
- Yonathan Thio: thio@uclink2.berkeley.edu
- Thomas J. Travers: thomas@tomtrav.demon.co.uk
- Ghyslain Trottier: aab925@agora.ulaval.ca
- Vincent van Joolen: vvj@cyberbass.com . Visit his
Choral Midi Tutorial site
- Agatha van der Velde: agatha@caraudioreparatie.nl
- Kelson Vibber: kelson@pobox.com Come visit my homepage:
The Music Hall
- Francesco Vergnano: frankj@tin.it Come visit his
madrigal page
- Arnold and Marianne VONNEZ-Donner: arnold.vonnez@epfl.ch
- Lindsay Wadleigh: Schweetzy@aol.com
- Andrew Walker: rupertthebear@talk21.com
- Marty Weimer: weimermt@libby.org
- James M. Westhues: jwesthu3@ixc.net
- Ken Whitcomb: Kendawl@aol.com
- Taichi Yamamoto: tai-chi@pk.highway.ne.jp
- Mauro Zuccante: mazuc@www.mbservice.it Mauro is the director of the
Coro Ars Nova
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Copyright © 1997